Furnishing and sustainability, a choice for bathroom

Pubblicato da: Eleonora Bindi On: mercoledì, agosto 28, 2019 Comment: 0 Hit: 5525

The sustainability of artisanal production at km 0

«The goal of sustainable design is the elimination or reduction of negative effects on the environment through intelligent and sensitive design, with an industrial production that uses careful design to environmental issues» In the world of furniture and design, where the question“eco” is not only very felt, but can make really the difference in terms of sales, the solution adopted most often by companies is the use of recycled or easily recyclable materials, so that production has no impact on existing natural resources and disposal of the product at the end of its life cycle does not harm the environment.

The expected goal is that contemporary design is sustainable, that is, able to guarantee for future generations the same amount of resources that we have today.Designers and architects welcome the theme of sustainable productions with increasing commitment, finding the favor of young customers and beyond, increasingly attentive to the sustainability of resources and products, preferring local productions, attentive to form and substance.

In the design is now very strong research on new materials that have a low environmental impact and that are easily recyclable; in the food is more and more widespread the purchase of products at "km 0", grown and processed locally in a genuine way.

"Km 0" in artisanal productions

Our concept of km 0 is similar: Idearredobagno.it since 1990 produces bathroom accessories working exclusively with artisans of the Tuscan territory.All the workings take place inside an ideal triangle between the provinces of Arezzo, Siena and Florence, this allows us to reduce the displacement of semi material processed, avoiding unnecessary costs and waste related to the transport and handling of products (this unlike imported goods from other continents).

Being a craft reality that produces furnishings, we are still linked to the small production, for this we do not work in advance a great quantity of pieces but we realize them in careful and punctual way once the customer forwards us the order, however guaranteeing fast deliveries thanks to the know-how that comes to us from thirty years of craft.

The sustainability of long-lasting design

Our idea of good work has always been linked to the concept of guarantee and long life of the accessories produced, talking about sustainability was not yet so common but we already thought in a sustainable way. Ensuring the durability of bathroom furnishings that we produce means fighting the trend “disposable” which has taken over with the consumerism of the ‘900. It is a question of design, of expert processing, of the use of precious materials that do not corrode in the bathroom, even in contact with water.

Small companies are still able to offer an attentive and effective service, in contrast to the large distribution where the offers go crazy but it is no longer possible to find a customer-friendly service able to meet specific needs (repair and replacement).

The possibility to replace, repair and customize the bathroom furniture


Our laboratory has always offered a wide range of replacement elements for bathroom accessories; today we call it conscious purchase, when we started our business was attention to the choice of a product, that had to last, be beautiful and functional for a long time. Thinking about objects that are part of our everyday life, that enrich the house that adapt to us and that will accompany us for a long time is beautiful, relaxing, comfortable and above all useful.

Many in fact think that if you produce furnishings that last a lot and are repairable you are going to produce little because sales could decrease due to the long duration. We, on the other hand, supported by the reputation that we have had over the past 30 years of work, believe that the trust that customers have in us is the best pass for a fulfilling future.

A little courage is also needed because the quality of a handcrafted product costs time, sacrifice and effort, but they are rewarded with the joy, esteem and trust of the people who choose our furnishings. For the artisans of our workshop to work well, saving resources, always thinking of the customer and his satisfaction, is a basic concept.

Today this thought is enriched with a greater meaning, perhaps because we have remembered the importance of the house in which our homes rest: the Earth. Our attitude towards production and product is once again the only sustainable thinking with which to face future developments.
If you want to know more about us contact us, we will introduce you to our small craft world, the products we make and the philosophy behind them.

T 339 2004300
M info@idearredobagno.it



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