English-style bathroom planter complete with paper door and brass bidet wipes - SPRING LINE

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English-style brass bath plantain available in various finishes with wipes and paper door

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100 € tax incl.


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Planter brings two-rod wipes complete with paper door,made of treated brass.
All the accessories of the planter are rolling on the central rod so as to take the best shape in each individual bathroom. The brass used for our plants is exclusively ADZ brass with zero lead, a valuable material with extraordinary strength in a humid environment.

We handcraft all bathroom accessories

Since 1990 the IdeArredoBagno brand has been synonymous with bathroom accessories with valuable craftsmanship: the materials used, the attention to functionality and to each customer, with tailor-madeexecutions, have allowed IdeArredoBagno to offer itself on the market with a wide range of products, and with a unique attention to the customer with whom we create a direct exchange relationship, to satisfy every need.
On the site you will find a wide range of accessories with a different style, all at the cost of production, with multiple finishes and different methods of application. With the advantage of buying directly from the manufacturer without any intermediary.

Customized processes, contact us in the company

For tailor-made accessories that follow the needs of your bathroom contact us in the company; we carry out customizedprocessing, with the great quality of an artisan product and the advantage of the factory price.
M: info@idearredobagno.it
T: (+39) 339 2004300

Height from the ground79 cm
Length Rods22 cm
Base Diameter20 cm
Vera qualità, piantana solida e bella
Questa recensione è stata inserita per  English-style bathroom planter complete with paper door and brass bidet wipes - SPRING LINE
Prodotto di ottima qualità, corrispondente perfettamente alle descrizioni pubblicizzate. Tempi di consegna rapidi. Imballo perfetto. Personale disponibile. Ditta seria ed affidabile. Consigliata.
Messaggio da Idearredobagno
Grazie mille, un saluto. E.
Questa recensione è stata inserita per  English-style bathroom planter complete with paper door and brass bidet wipes - SPRING LINE
molto elegante e solida. Mi ritengo soddisfatta dell'acquisto che ho fatto a seguito di un trasloco. Anche con la consegna è andato tutto bene
Messaggio da Idearredobagno
Gentile Serena, la ringrazio molto del suo feedback. Saluti, Eleonora
Questa recensione è stata inserita per  English-style bathroom planter complete with paper door and brass bidet wipes - SPRING LINE
ok, buon prodotto
buon prodotto, semplice e ben fatto!
Questa recensione è stata inserita per  English-style bathroom planter complete with paper door and brass bidet wipes - SPRING LINE

English-style bathroom planter complete with paper door and brass bidet wipes - SPRING LINE
English-style brass bath plantain available in various finishes with wipes and paper door

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English-style bathroom planter complete with paper door and brass bidet wipes - SPRING LINE (100.1 EUR) 4/52 voto(i) - 2 commento(i)

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