Essential accessories for decorating the bathroom shower

Pubblicato da: Eleonora Bindi On: giovedì, luglio 12, 2018 Comment: 0 Hit: 7215

The shower is increasingly gaining the attention of designers and architects because central space in the bathroom; both from a functional point of view and from an aesthetic point of view.
The shower has lost in recent years its purely functional value to become, where the size of the room allows it, a real aesthetic fulcrum.
This centrality is clearly reflected in the choices that are made both on a formal level and on materials and coatings.

The new solutions for the shower

Angled shower cubicles are increasingly less common, solutions that look outdated and are often uncomfortable to clean and maintain. Also surpassed are ceramic shower trays, raised and bulky, frequent in the past, now almost abandoned if not in their "revisited" editions.
The new solutions are varied, much seen is the opening door shower, with single leaf or double door. This solution is very modern and elegant, because the glass is left free from curbs, doors or guides.
The shower is therefore presented in all its beauty and transparent brightness. Another idea often used in hotels or accommodation facilities, for practicality and ease of cleaning, is that of an open shower with a fixed side door.
This solution does not present the door; important trick is to calculate well the available space because missing the door to close the jet of water must be well shielded from the fixed wall to avoid annoying leaks on the ground or side.

How to furnish the shower with beautiful accessories that will not ruin in a few months?

You can often see beautiful showers, curated in the choice of coatings, fittings and crystal. Innovative solutions both from an aesthetic and functional point of view. The shower is today one of the most important elements of the bathroom; but why the choice of accessories must be hasty and often wrong?
Thinking of choosing poor quality accessories, made from poorly finished and coarsely finished metals, is a very risky solution.
The shower is the only environment where all the accessories are inevitably in contact with water, inserting a poor material (often ferrous) means replacing in a short time not only the accessory but potentially to meet percolations and stains on the wall caused from the wear of the metal.
 This is why it is very important to choose accessories that are exclusively made of brass (chrome or painted) but exclusively made of brass.
The brass is in fact an alloy (copper-zinc) which does not contain iron, does not rust, even in direct contact with water. Spending more on the purchase of your accessories may seem unwarranted at the beginning, in fact this is the only solution to avoid continually replacing every item placed inside the bathroom and the shower.

The IdeArredoBagno series of shower accessories

The IdeArredoBagno workshop produces shower accessories made exclusively of chromed or painted brass and there are many solutions designed to meet the different needs of the shower space. Single or double baskets, to be fixed to the wall or to hang, with different sizes and shapes to fit perfectly to the different spaces: all lines and models available at the following link.


Shower rack for hanging objects


Infonews: the best accessories for your new shower

Reddit: how to furnish a shower



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