Shower basket to hang on the wall

Pubblicato da: Eleonora Bindi On: domenica, luglio 29, 2018 Comment: 0 Hit: 4909

As already widely explained in the last article of our blog, the shower has earned itself in recent years a privileged place inside the bathroom space.
Now no one thinks more about the shower as a simple functional space, the solutions are so varied and trendy that everyone imagines this space in a modern way.
Everybody's dream is to have a large, completely transparent shower with natural light.
This possibility depends a lot on the square meters available but surely it is one of the most captivating solutions. The shower with these features becomes the main protagonist of the bathroom and the identity element par excellence.
A shower of this type, will also inevitably have to present a masonry wall (necessary to house the water pipes and to suspend the siphon).
This is the case in which the need arises to make the shower perfectly functional (and tidy!) With a specially designed accessory.

Bathroom accessories: Grill with double basket to hang on the wall

The shower grid to hang on the wall of the IdeArredoBagno collection is a comfortable double brass basket (chrome or painted) with hooks to hang on masonry walls.
The peculiarity of this element is that of having, instead of the usual hooks, the suppositions of different depths: 10 cm, 11 cm, 13 cm, 13.5 cm, 14 cm, 15 cm, 16 cm, up to a full custom-made.
This solution, made exclusively by IdeArredoBagno, thinks about the design of the shower as a fundamental choice to consolidate the beauty and functionality of this space, center of well-being and beauty.
Discover all the collections of shower baskets proposed by IdeArredoBagno: all the lines and models available at the following link.

Shower rack for hanging objects



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