Shabby chic style for the bathroom

Pubblicato da: Eleonora Bindi On: domenica, febbraio 9, 2020 Comment: 0 Hit: 4434

Ideas for an elegant and romantic bathroom

The bathroom is the most intimate room of the house and for this reason must reflect the personality of the inhabitant. The shabby chic style has become trendy in recent years in both bathroom furnishings and home design in general. 
First of all it must be made clear that the term shabby chic means worn, worn, aged and this trend of furniture thanks to the typically light tones and decorative elements gives the environments a polite and romantic look. Every room in the house can be furnished in this style but the bathroom in particular lends itself well to shabby decorations and furnishings. We discover what are the elements and the essential choices to do to get the desired result.

The shabby chic bathroom: the elements that create the romantic atmosphere

Among the elements that cannot be missed in a bathroom with a shabby chic taste it's the freestanding bathtube with a classic rounded shape strictly clear.
 This solution is back in fashion giving the bathroom a unique look and atmosphere.

The bathroom furniture must be made of wood with fine details to avoid getting a cheap look. The color must be clear even with aged treatment. An example of bathroom furniture is the classic Tuscan furniture with classic shapes with marble or stone top on which to rest the sink. Another tip is to decorate the windows with lace curtains and ruffles, the decor is peculiar feature of these style and do not hesitate to use it to get the desired effect.

The shabby style often resorting to furniture with an aged effect can be considered a low-coast“style”, the antique fairs or markets of the used will be unmissable destinations to find furniture to give life to. In order to obtain an elegant and never too cheesy effect, the choices must then be suitably mixed.

The mirrors are another element to play with, which gives great value to the bathroom environment: a wall mirror or an elegantly decorated support mirror, not forgetting plants and pictures that will be welcome even in the smaller bathrooms.

The shabby chic style and bathroom accessories perfect for this environment

The shabby style is a delicate style, perfect for those who love romantic atmospheres. The furniture is all rigorously lived and aged, but very important are also accessories such as stands, towel holders or dispensers to be placed on the sink. Ceramic elements with dispenser, towel holder, roll holder, toilet brushes, all strictly clear and with ceramic inserts cannot be missing.

Finally, let’s not forget the walls that with their treatment are able to transform the atmosphere of the whole room.
 How? In recent times the wallpaper, even for the bathroom, is becoming a trend“must”. Visiting our bathroom accessories website you will find a wide range of furnishing elements that will inspire you, to create even at home, a bathroom in perfect shabby chic style.


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