Discounts on all ceramic bathroom accessories

Pubblicato da: Eleonora Bindi On: giovedì, ottobre 24, 2019 Comment: 0 Hit: 2971

Take advantage of the offers on many stands and furnishings

Ceramic is an indispensable material in bathroom furniture.
 Soap holders, toothbrush cups and ceramic dispensers complete many accessories, designed to make the bathroom elegant and functional. Ceramic is a material that has always been used in architecture, for floors, coatings and sanitary but also to complete the different bathroom cabinets and furnishings.

10% discount on ceramics for bathroom furniture

The choice to create special discounts on ceramic products stems from the success that this material has had with our customers in recent months. The English-style bathroom stands from the Spring collection have been highly sought after, featuring elegant white ceramic inserts that give the accessories a very special retro taste.

The English-style freestanding by Idearredobagno have the characteristic of having a toilet brush tube, soap dish or dispenser in elegant white ceramic.
The many available color finishes, from the most classic color chrome, to the most sought after color gold or bronze, allow you to customize the bathroom with furnishing elements of fine workmanship and refined details.

The quality of Made in Italy bathroom furniture

The ceramic elements in all bathroom accessories are removable and interchangeable: online you can find all the spare parts needed to replace the pieces that could wear over time.
 The laboratory Idearredobagno firmly believes in the quality of the products created, so replacing, renewing and maintaining over time are imperative.

The house is still in Italy today a fundamental asset, research of the quality of the product and the Made in Italy confirm the attention towards the purchases aware and quality. Buying handmade products, at a discounted price is therefore a unique opportunity to combine the search for the beautiful and the well done, with the advantage of a discounted price.

For these reasons until 18 November all accessories that have ceramic accessories will have a special discount of 10% on the list price.


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